The Best Mid Century Retro Vinyl Storage Solutions - Mad About Mid Century Modern

The Best Mid Century Retro Vinyl Storage Solutions

Plywood Vinyl Cupboard


Are you one of the many music lovers who have been converted to vinyl and find you need a new piece of furniture to store it and possibly the turntable too? We have searched for all the best Vinyl Storage options for you. There’s nothing quite like a mid century styled sideboard for this retro revival.

The retro vinyl storage furniture displayed here is just a glimpse of what these dedicated craftsmen at BIG JO can provide. Follow the links to find custom installations alongside off the shelf creations.

Having bottomed out in the early nineties, vinyl LP records are now widely reported as outselling their digital successor, the compact disc. Music fans are increasingly favouring a dual pronged listening approach in the modern era. Streaming music for casual everyday listening while also purchasing a vinyl copy of their most treasured recordings to keep as a physical artifact. It seems the urge to own something physical and attractive just won’t die. So now you need something stylish for your vinyl storage.

You will be pleased to learn that there are vinyl record storage solutions you will treasure as much as the contents therein. It is entirely appropriate that vinyl records, developed in the mid century modern era should find themselves housed in a cupboard inspired by the style of that same era.

Are you looking for something as a gift for Christmas for your vinyl-loving partner and need to keep the price down? here is a great budget buy for you…

The Tonn 150 is a simple yet eye-catching vinyl record storage intended not only for music enthusiasts. The front is made of hand-cut slats from solid oak wood, thanks to its openwork geometric design it allows you to control any audio device. An element that attracts attention is also a dedicated place for vinyl records, which gives the user the ability to adjust the number of compartments according to their own needs.

Apart from the more traditional cupboard-with-doors approach, there are also manufacturers combining vinyl storage furniture with additional shelving to house the all-important playing equipment.

The Larssen is a great imitation of a mid century sideboard that will work wonderfully well for your record collection and I think it is a good value piece that will outlast you and your records.

The unusual open top design of the Poppy allows you to access your vinyl with ease. And it looks great too.

Perhaps you would like to combine your vinyl storage with your books on a stylish mid-century bookcase? In which case this one is a beautiful example.

If you prefer to keep that vinyl hidden away, there are some lovely mid-century sideboards and shelving units that make sure it’s out of sight but still easily accessible.

As a devotee of the LP record myself I can testify that having attractive furnishings to house your records means your partner will allow you to play with them more often. And besides, doesn’t your original gatefold copy of Aladdin Sane deserve it? Again, yes.

Shop the full range of vinyl storage solutions picked out just for you…

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