One wonders if Mrs Robinson would have made her move so readily while perched on a kitchen bar stool? Whatever happened to the delightfully decadent home cocktail bar? It’s not as though we’ve all stopped drinking at home, is it? In fact since the pandemic so many of people prefer to stay home then venture out to the pub. But now we just glug wine while watching Eastenders in our leisure wear. I think it’s high time we glamorized drinking again! A mid century modern drinks cabinet or drinks trolley will suffice if you don’t have room for a full blown cocktail bar. Either way, mine’s a Manhattan. Or maybe a Dirty Martini. A Margarita on a summer’s day. Oh, what the heck, I’m not fussy, just give me a drink!
Ebay is always a great place to look for an original piece at a good price. I found these three beauties there. Click on the images to go to the listing. Be quick! You know what a bum fight it is when something actually worth having is listed.
This auction is for a mid century cocktail cabinet. Teak veneer with black detail. Made by Beautility, with a sliding glass and teak door. It also has a nifty pull out shelf for mixing your cocktails. With a Buy It Now price of £225 this is the bargain of the week. There’s even a Make An Offer button if you want to barter a little. I do love a good haggle. Walter and I have it down to a fine art when visiting the souk or bazaar.
We call it the good cop, bad cop routine. I say “Walter, you are simply not paying that for a Fez!” and keep walking. They end up feeling sorry for him and practically give it away. Try it!
I’m not a huge fan of “upcycled” pieces but I do rather like the sunburst etched on to this walnut cabinet. It rather reflects the feeling one gets when it’s finally 6 o’clock and time for the first GnT of the day.
But the pièce de résistance is undoubtably this Vintage Danish Teak Cocktail Bar by Johannes Andersen, Skaaning & Son. It’s a beauty. it is freestanding and stylish on both sides, so more like a real bar than the other cabinets. It has multi-faceted storage compartments, including circular cut outs for bottle storage. It can be yours for £1,295. But think of all the savings you’ll make on the homemade cocktails. In fact, invite all your friends over and charge them a tenner a pop and you’ll have it paid for by the end of the night!

For a brand new mid century style bar, look no further than the fabulous Maisons du Monde who have three wonderful styles to choose from.
The Santa Cruz will give your home or garden a hint of the surf shack. Only two left in stock so you will have to be decisive on this one!
The Louxour is my personal favourite of the three. So glamorous. And it will coordinate so well with all the bourbon.
And finally the walnut veneer Spiga which can be used as a sideboard or a bar. A little more restrained than the first two but still very stylish.
Next up, you will need some bar stools. For the Mrs Robinson look I’d recommend these great quality white leather stool from John Lewis.

Just remember to dress the part. We’re thinking more Dean Martin than Shane McGowan. It’s okay to be a lush as long as you’re as glamorous as Liz Taylor.
These blue velvet Margot stools are a luscious alternative to the white options. And a great price at £199 each. Leaving you more to spend on the drink. Everyone’s a winner.
If you really can’t spare the room for a full bar I do recommend a drinks trolley. It really finishes a room. Unless you have teenagers in the house. Then you need a safe.
Salina is £349 from Swoon Editions and Riya is £299 from John Lewis.
Riya Salina
And of course you need glasses. Cut glass. Something with weight. I like these a lot…. For more ideas on where you might find some authentic mid century drinking furniture why not have a look here ?